Thursday, April 11, 2013

Loss of Liberty

There are talks all over the place of a New World Order and the destruction of the limited liberties we still possess, and while some states are fighting valiantly to save freedom everywhere possible, it seems a lost cause. First we were confronted with notions of a co-existing tolerant society where people of completely different backgrounds could exist and function in harmony. This has become more of a hoax in past years than it has been before. Because of the politics involved in our rights, we're constantly reminded what it means to be who we were and not who we are. When Dr. Seuss said to be who you are, he meant are, not were. Why do we live in the past and future and never the present?

This common question boggles so many people's minds across the ages, but the simple answer is we're told not to. If you were to live for today everyday, there would be nothing else to live for, all would be over in that moment. Many are benefiting from a life of living in the moment as governments all over the world are possessing our things and calling them rightfully theirs. Well I'm not surprised to say the least, but I am interested to know how long they've been doing it. One hundred years perhaps? Two hundred years? Is there some type of heir we're not aware of, heir to the throne of the world? Where is the iron that they'd sit upon?

Too long ago countries bound by Christianity were abstained from handling financial affairs and so the Judaic world was the first to create such a concept. A lot of credit could be warranted, although it has always been monopolistic and over the thousands of years it still has not changed, money has been the ruler of the world. This can't change unless a worldly shift and ideal about wealth is made, and at this time there are folks everywhere hoping for a change for good. I'm sorry but the truth is, the only way any change would occur is through pain and suffering and most of us do not want that. If no change occurred it would remain the same as it has always been, work for money, pay for goods. The system works if we allow it to do so.

The freedom of market is not some cumbersome monster that no one understands, it's extremely simple and requires zero insight. Since I've led us down a path that seems completely off subject, Let me explain how this is linked to our liberties. Money is an intermediary to our goods, much like the politicians are to laws. In more simple terms money buys laws. Politicians are all publicly known and can easily be accessed through multiple forms of communication. One thing comes to mind, we want freedom and we want government programs, unfortunately one can't exist with the other. Government programs require oversight, which sounds good, but the sad part is government programs are typically degraded in quality as they're not required to maintain any level of productivity. This is the only organization of any kind that doesn't rely on profit margins, competency or ethics.

There are recent talks about losing guns, flying drones to spy on you, reading your e-mails, tapping phones, taking your IRAs, taxing you more and losing private medical care. We asked for it, what more do you want, now you have complete safety, from yourself! Be careful, because you may end up in jail for committing suicide.

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