Sunday, April 14, 2013


I've heard of so many people that are intolerant to diary products, causing indigestion. While I've never doubted them I had never experienced it to such a great level that I have now. It's been quite some time since I've drank milk products and I'd have to say that it isn't a pleasant experience. While I already know what the supposed health benefits of cows' milk is, I have yet to see the evidence. It's more harming than good, there's too much trust involved with the consumption of animal products. It's not impossible to do the proper research of  quality goods, but it is when the choice of goods is not available.

Regardless, I would rather opt-out of eating animal products altogether, although not entirely possible at this time, I hope to do so in the near future. My whole family seems to follow these same principles and with a properly regimented diet and proper exercise we're a healthy bunch. So you may be asking yourselves, how does one do this? Well I'm glad you asked, because it's just too simple. The first step is to unlearn what you know about nutrition because it's false, there are many websites dedicated to this so I'll start you off with something simple and you may later find other sources on how to incorporate this into your lifestyle.

Research has shown that milk, although rich in calcium, is leaching the calcium from the bones of healthy adults, the lactose in-particular.  It's said that the consumption of calcium gives your body the nutrition to build strong bones and the FDA approved method is through the consumption of dairy. Unfortunately, this is purely false, mountains of research has proven the exact opposite. Western society is riddled with obesity, osteoporosis and poor digestion, researchers from many sources are pointing at our high consumption of fats in animal products and dairy. This brings up another very hot topic and that's soy.

Since we are hard-wired to believe that every meal involves cheese and/or milk, when we're told to limit this we look to replace it by turning to soy products. There are so many soy products now that it's preposterous , but the best to consume if at all are those fermented, such as tofu or tempeh. The reason I mention this is because of the soy protein isolate craze, what isn't it in these days? But do we need to supplement our diet in  the absence of dairy anyway? The answer is no, these are just additional calories we consume every day. But we all know that it's impossible to cut-out dairy completely unless we want to live in a bubble for the rest of our lives, so lets be reasonable.

Reasonably speaking, we simply want to minimize our exposure to dairy and soy products, to include those wonderful salad dressings and protein shakes. You'll also find that once these products have been excluded or limited for a time, when they are put back into the body, they're rejected. This is not uncommon, milk is intended for the off-spring of the animal. If any dairy product is consumed, the most nutritious and beneficial is cheese. If you're trying to keep the figure, multiple kinds of real, aged, low-fat cheeses exist, an example is the Babybel Lights rounds in wax.

Another thing I'd like to share with everyone about whey and how it affects the body. A movie was released with the Doctor that researched something called the China study. Tests were done on mice to prove whether animal product causes the growth of cancerous tumors in the body. Their tests proved that the whey did indeed cause the mice to form cancerous tumors. But the test has major flaws considering their diet consisted of only whey. Whey contains no nutritious value, so of course there were complications in health, it is a derivative of milk, only the protein to be exact. Whey is also present in cottage cheese, it's what is left after curdling. Whey is a supplement to the overall diet, not a diet in itself. To conclude that all animal protein causes cancerous tumors based on a test with only whey, is a very poor assumption indeed.

Another portion of the movie discusses the affects whey has on the kidneys, stating that many professional body builders are on dialysis. While I want to believe all of it, it's just plain nonsense, too many people in the world suffer from dialysis, and the same goes for cancerous tumors and neither have never seen whey protein. If we were to completely push the western world away and live like those in the east, we would suffer from different problems, but not eliminate them entirely. In eastern culture colon cancer is a commonality in their over-consumption of vinegar substances, while there are less obese individuals in their stead, without western medicine many of them would have been wiped away by viral infection and disease.

There's no one way to win, just know that there must be balance in life and moderation in all things we do. Such is yin and yang or the ebb and flow of the ocean, it must be a continuous cycle. No one is perfect, but will remain happy and feel healthy, so long as they know who they are and can prevent their life from reaching extremes. Food isn't about food at all, it's about life, let it run through your veins, feel its energy enter your body and fill you with the nutrients to live and be the prosperous being you intend to be.

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