Sunday, July 19, 2009

Out and About

Guten tag (good day), we got to try some local favorites, some amazing beer, and just had fun in the little bit sun there was. Anuste had a great week at work, she loves working with flowers. She's sold a lot of bouquets since she started a couple weeks ago, still astonished that she got something so soon and that it was the first place she talked to about employment.

Saturday we went to the RB diner next door and had Sanwald biers, Pommes (french fries) and a mixed garden salat. There is something that looks like sauerkraut that comes on them, but it tastes nothing like it, which is a good thing. We've tried a couple of other things as well, but didn't decide to get photo happy until now and will be posting some of the different foods on here in the future.

Of course we had to make a stop at the gym which we do everyday, especially after all the good food we have tried. Mapalon has his own little play area at the gym where he gets to watch DVD's and everyone in the cardio room workout too! I'm teaching him how to use an exercise ball here.

Sunday Mapalon and I went for an adventure walk around. We decided to traverse into the long grass where the mowers don't go, we played with the tall grass and flowers. We even found the most peculur thing, a Faerie ring, and we know this because of the small mushrooms making a perfect circle. More commonly found in Ireland, but who says they can't appear in Germany.

Look for updates each week, we intend to keep you posted, tschuss (bye).

Monday, July 13, 2009


Went to the park near the Hilltop today and Mapalon had a lot of fun swinging and going down the slide. There are two different areas for different age groups, something for everyone, a little different than the usual playground.

Mapalon is doing great and never ceases to grow, he should be getting into the Child Development Center (CDC) early next week, he'll enjoy the company of children his age. He'll be at CDC part-time, while Anuste and I are working. Guten tag.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Vaihingen, Germany

It's really quite different when you find yourself living in a different country as opposed to visiting it. I know when I had been visiting I was in quite a hurry to see everything and absorb as much as I possibly could before I had to leave. Anuste feels that same way as she hasn't experienced anything like this before, Mapalon, well he's kind of comatose to the whole idea, he has no clue where he is or what any of it means, who knows if he ever will. I on the other hand am trying to pace myself as I know I'm here for the next three years, seeing everything can burn someone out, being that it would be fast paced. Once we get "settled in" we'll start to explore from the inside out.

We'll start at Vaihingen and the areas of Stuttgart, and then off to other areas like Heidelberg. It's going to be wondrous, we're taking pictures on the way to the gym today to give people an idea of the scenery we have from the base, which is quite impressive and unexpected.

Everyone is great here and enjoying the German food as we should, without completely sacrificing our regular healthy habits. Hope everyone has things planned as my command here is very lenient toward leave. I'll keep this updated as much as possible.

Until next time.