Thursday, April 11, 2013

Current Workouts

I had posted a workout routine which was a hybrid P90X and don't get me wrong the program works. But the program only seems most effective when you've just started to workout, either for the first time or when you're getting back into it, and it's what got me back in. I also was unable to get the size I was looking for, too many reps or something. I had later made a hybrid of it and kept with it, but never really got anywhere. I'm not sure if I had been relying on reps too much, but I believe that was the problem.

When I was in High School I read a lot of health magazines and body building articles and stuck to a strict five sets of seven with about six to ten workouts per session, where I was in the gym for about an hour and a half. It worked during that time frame but I had reached a plateau, much as I did with P90X where I was stuck, call it muscle confusion all you want, I got stuck. I started looking around for different things and reading up on muscle growth and how it actually works.

After educating myself I came to the conclusion that I was overworking my muscles and needed to separate my workouts and lift heavier. My new methodology follows that of the Dorian Yates and Metzner outlook on muscle fatigue and rebuild. While I'd put my regimen on here, it's available at and you can explore Yate's Blood and Guts and find for yourself if it's right for you.

I've gained considerable amount of strength with a maximum of 45 minutes in the gym. Don't lose faith in yourselves because something doesn't work right away. Just remember that sore muscles are repairing and should be allowed to repair, no reason to tear a muscle that is already torn. Other than that, keep at it and you should meet your goals.

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