Friday, April 12, 2013


I've been out of the country for a few years and I feel that I've entered a new world when I returned to the States. Everywhere I look people are using some form of electronic device playing games, browsing the internet or chatting with friends. Is it like this everywhere? If so, do we not see the problem here?

I've gone out to eat multiple times with my family and I can't help but notice the couples aren't paying each other any attention. Throughout an entire meal these individuals will gaze through an electronic screen and hardly say a word to each other. Of course it's not just people dating, it's husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters and so on. I don't understand this and can't wrap my head around it, I initially blame ignorance, but what is it really?

Is ignorance really bliss when it warrants no satisfaction? How can I be satisfied by the absence of something? It's the knowing of not knowing, or the closure of unopened doors. How do I know what I don't know? Not many of us have a deep level of understanding on these matters, which is why ignorance is so important to be aware of. I hate to use these references, but in Buddhism the number one teaching is awareness. Becoming aware of suffering and that it will always exist, that much I know, but what I do not is their reason for causing such self-suffrage, when a conscious act of ignorance is played.

Why would anyone cause themselves to suffer unless it was their unwilling intent to do so? I don't think apathy is on it's way, it's already past and I fear we've already stepped through dependency quite quickly, unfortunately we see the next step in the cycle of civilization. Is it preventable? History says that it's inevitable, no matter how large the nation was, there was always an inside source to bring it to its knees. It's a matter of finding the country in the Liberty stages of the cycle, because if everything were true, it would require moving from one location to another, avoiding the cycle entirely, where prediction would be the conundrum.

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