Saturday, December 8, 2007


The desire to accomplish a task, set forth by one's self, often influenced by others. The human nature to strive for what we need, by association with what we crave. Cravings aren't just consumables, they're everything you can touch or feel; with every device, claiming candidacy over the external drive. We find a passion for several sorts of hobbies common to men and women. The passion in writing, a similarity in the passion for reading. A like for words, meaning, understanding and wisdom, development for a better tomorrow and a glorious today.

Centuries of literature, languages abroad, does it bring the most important fact of writing, the ability to communicate. Speech and writing both represent the past, as no context is ever written in future or present. Tenses of present, past and future are illusions we create to aid in coping with our life situations. It's these situations that determine our passions, the passion for writing.

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