Work-Outs generally start on a Monday, and as such we'll start there.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday includes 20 miles of biking.
Work-Out One
For three weeks:
Monday = (Chest) & (Back) & (Abs)
Tuesday = (Plyometrics)
Wednesday = (Biceps) & (Shoulders & Triceps) & (Abs)
Thursday = (Kenpo)
Friday = (Legs) & (Back) (Abs)
Saturday = (Yoga)
Sunday = (Stretch)
Work Out Two
For one week:
Monday = (Core Synergistics)
Tuesday = (Plyometrics)
Wednesday = (Core Synergistics)
Thursday = (Kenpo)
Friday = (Core Synergistics)
Saturday = (Yoga)
Sunday = (Stretch)
Work Out Three
For Three weeks:
Monday = (Biceps) & (Back) & (Abs)
Tuesday = (Plyometrics)
Wednesday = (Chest) & (Shoulders & Triceps) & (Abs)
Thursday = (Kenpo)
Friday = (Legs) & (Back) & (Abs)
Saturday = (Yoga)
Sunday = (Stretch)
Monday, Wednesday and Friday includes 20 miles of biking.
Work-Out One
For three weeks:
Monday = (Chest) & (Back) & (Abs)
Tuesday = (Plyometrics)
Wednesday = (Biceps) & (Shoulders & Triceps) & (Abs)
Thursday = (Kenpo)
Friday = (Legs) & (Back) (Abs)
Saturday = (Yoga)
Sunday = (Stretch)
Work Out Two
For one week:
Monday = (Core Synergistics)
Tuesday = (Plyometrics)
Wednesday = (Core Synergistics)
Thursday = (Kenpo)
Friday = (Core Synergistics)
Saturday = (Yoga)
Sunday = (Stretch)
Work Out Three
For Three weeks:
Monday = (Biceps) & (Back) & (Abs)
Tuesday = (Plyometrics)
Wednesday = (Chest) & (Shoulders & Triceps) & (Abs)
Thursday = (Kenpo)
Friday = (Legs) & (Back) & (Abs)
Saturday = (Yoga)
Sunday = (Stretch)