Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Meal1 (breakfast)
-Oatmeal/Oat Bran (30-)
-Caffeinated beverage

-Protein (30+)

Meal3 (lunch)
-Protein (35+)
-Carbohydrate (30-)
-Avocado (1/2-)

-Protein (30+)

Meal5 (dinner)
-Protein (35+)
-Carbohydrate (30-)

Meal6 (30Min before bed)
-Protein (30+)

Other necessities
-1Gallon Water.
-N.O. before weight lifting.
-Thermogenic before Meal1.
-Thermogenic before Meal3.
-Vegetables include: Spinach, endive, asparagus, salad, carrots, cucumbers and avocados.
-Carbohydrates include: Oatmeal, oat bran, whole wheat bread, rice or potato.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Work-Outs generally start on a Monday, and as such we'll start there.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday includes 20 miles of biking.

Work-Out One
For three weeks:
Monday = (Chest) & (Back) & (Abs)
Tuesday = (Plyometrics)
Wednesday = (Biceps) & (Shoulders & Triceps) & (Abs)
Thursday = (Kenpo)
Friday = (Legs) & (Back) (Abs)
Saturday = (Yoga)
Sunday = (Stretch)

Work Out Two
For one week:
Monday = (Core Synergistics)
Tuesday = (Plyometrics)
Wednesday = (Core Synergistics)
Thursday = (Kenpo)
Friday = (Core Synergistics)
Saturday = (Yoga)
Sunday = (Stretch)

Work Out Three
For Three weeks:
Monday = (Biceps) & (Back) & (Abs)
Tuesday = (Plyometrics)
Wednesday = (Chest) & (Shoulders & Triceps) & (Abs)
Thursday = (Kenpo)
Friday = (Legs) & (Back) & (Abs)
Saturday = (Yoga)
Sunday = (Stretch)
